Our extensive experience and specialist expertise enables you to get optimum benefit from your hearing solution and rehabilitation.
We recognise that hearing aids are not for everyone or may form only a small part of the right solution for you. So, using a combination of the latest hearing aid technologies, accessories and auditory training we tailor a personal hearing solution and plan to each and every person we see.
We offer and can expertly fit a wide range of the latest hearing aids available – devices which are light, durable and discrete. The latest technology can improve hearing in any environment; from talking on the telephone, in business meetings, busy restaurants, quality time with loved ones to watching television at home. Be assured, we will recommend and fit only the product that is best suited to your own individual needs and preferences.
We fit the hearing aids we provide using Real Ear Measurements or REMs. This is the gold-standard procedure for verifying a hearing aid fitting as recommended by the British Society of Audiology and British Academy of Audiology. This procedure ensures that the individual characteristics of your ears are taken into account during the fitting process, providing a more precise hearing aid prescription for you and increasing your chances of satisfaction with your hearing aids. Not all hearing aid providers will use this fitting procedure, so we’re proud that at North East Hearing & Balance we provide the best evidence-based care to ensure you get the results you want from your hearing aids.
Hearing aids
Hearing aids come in a variety of styles, sizes and colours, and with a range of technical capabilities. Whether you are looking for something so discrete it is almost invisible or something that can provide language translation, body tracking and falls detection; there is a device to suit you.
Behind the ear hearing aids
Receiver-in-the-ear (RITE)

RITEs are the most commonly prescribed hearing aids. They usually offer the most up-to-date technology, are small and discrete, and come in a variety of colours. Part of the device sits behind the ear, but the speaker unit sits in the ear canal and is attached with a very strong wire. They have a large fitting range which means they are suitable for many different types of hearing loss, and are flexible in terms of programming so they can be more easily adjusted to suit your listening needs. Most RITEs now come with Bluetooth connectivity and wireless technology, as well as many more features such as Artificial Intelligence.
Behind-the-ear (BTE)

BTEs are similar to RITEs but the speaker unit is housed within the unit behind the ear. This is so the hearing aid can give the wearer more power and volume making BTEs better suited to those with more severe hearing loss. They are usually fitted with a custom-made earmould. BTEs may also be a good option for those with poor dexterity or eyesight as they are usually slightly larger and easier to handle. Most BTEs come with the same Bluetooth connectivity and wireless technology as RITEs.
In the ear hearing aids
In-the-ear (ITE)

These hearing aids sit in the ear canal and fill the whole entrance of the canal locking into the top part of the outer ear. They can be custom-made for those who prefer not to wear anything behind their ears. The technology in these aids tends to be less up-to-date than the behind-the-ear devices but they can sometimes come with additional features, such as Bluetooth connectivity and wireless technology. You may also be able to have volume and programme controls depending on the size of the device.
In-the-canal (ITC)

ITCs are similar to ITEs but they fill only half the entrance of the ear canal. Again, these are custom-made and can feel less blocking than an ITE. However, as they are smaller they are less likely to have additional features, such as Bluetooth connectivity and wireless technology, and may not have the space for volume and programme controls.
Completely-in-canal (CIC)

CICs are the smallest in the ear hearing aids. These sit deep in the ear canal and are ideal if you are looking for something very discrete. However, the space available in these devices is so limited they often do not come with Bluetooth connectivity, wireless technology or volume and programme controls. These devices may not be suitable for everyone and considerations would need to be made regarding the size and shape of the ear canal.
Rechargeable hearing aids

We prescribe rechargeable hearing aids whenever possible. These come with their own charger and lithium ion batteries which are charged overnight when not in use. Not only is this more environmentally friendly, people find it is more convenient than changing disposable batteries every few days.
However, if you feel rechargeable hearing aids are not suitable for you, we can provide a non-rechargeable option with disposable batteries.
Bluetooth connectivity
Bluetooth is a wireless technology which allows two devices to communicate with each other over short distances. Hearings aids which can connect to Bluetooth enable you to stream audio from your mobile phone, and other Bluetooth enabled devices, directly into your hearing aids. Your hearing aids then become wireless earphones, making it easier for you to hear phone calls, music and podcasts.
Many manufacturers also provide apps which can turn your mobile phone into a remote control for your hearing aids, allowing you to control volume and programmes as well as perform functional checks of the hearing aids all through one device.


With today’s technology, hearing aids are able to offer improved speech understanding in most situations. But in the most challenging listening situations, optional accessories can help to boost your hearing aids’ performance if required. They can help when watching television, listening at a distance or for conversation in background noise.
Remote controls can also be useful for adjusting the volume and programmes on your hearing aid, if connecting to an app via Bluetooth is not an option.
Contact us to find out more about how we can help you stay connected.
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